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Writer's pictureShelby_Brand

2022 - Are you ready for it?

Updated: Jan 27, 2022

Last year, I merely survived. I didn't die, but I sure as hell didn't thrive either. And you know what, not one part of it was Covid related. But I won't bore you with those details, I'm not after a pity party. What I am on a mission to do is kick 2022's arse and make it my bitch. I'm not one to set New Years Resolutions, I know enough of myself to understand if it takes the changing of a calendar year for me to begin something, then it sure as hell isn't going to stick.

I do, however, use the time between Christmas and New Year to stop. I mean, REALLY stop. Something I don't seem to successfully do at any other time of the year. I quieten the to do list in my head, I turn off my alarms and I let my body call all the shots. I let it be the one to lead the way, not just my conscious brain, but my body in it's entirety.

This 'stopping' provides me with the opportunity to self - reflect and find what truly resonates with me. During this time I seek what makes my heart sing the loudest. For me, this just happens to coincide with the end of one calendar and the beginning of the next. I doubt that if I were to try and replicate this exact feeling, with the exact same motions, let's say, in May, it would not have the same effect at all. There's something magical that comes along with the 'stopping' after Christmas day.

Beginning on Boxing Day, I begin an evolution whereby I take inspiration from any and all directions, telling my brain to be quiet in the process, and letting my heart and soul be guided in an organic fashion.

This Christmas Break has been no different.

Right now, there are a few things calling me -

I have been uniquely and unconnectedly surrounded by a plant based/vegan lifestyle. I didn't go searching for it, it sought me out. And you know what? I couldn't be happier!! I have never felt so good in my own skin.

Alongside this new way of eating I now have a daily Yoga/Pilates practice coupled with organic exercise that leads me primarily outdoors gaining valuable Vitamin D and an incredible endorphin hit. After being gym focused for a good number of years, finding that it only worked if I was punishing my body for at least an hour a day and being ridiculously strict with my food. The plant based/ vegan lifestyle (I refuse to call it a diet because it is so much more than that) has allowed me to really understand my body and give me a unique level of clarity and confidence in making choices that are right for me. For me, that also means understanding FODMAPS (Monash App) and having quite refined sugar (AGAIN, small hiccup), thanks Damon Gameau for the kick start I needed. Refined sugar free for over 12 months again. May as well say I quit alcohol while I'm at it. I didn't even try to do that, it just happened. And my body doesn't miss it at all. If I wanted a drink I would definitely have one.

I am the black sheep of the family really. I don't smoke, I don't drink, and now I don't kill animals to survive. Some people may look at me and think I'm crazy and depriving myself, but I am so confident in myself now that I can say "How I lead my life is for me and me alone. You don't have to agree, or understand, all I ask is that you respect." I refuse to justify my choices any longer.

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