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Writer's pictureShelby_Brand

Chef Takeover

I’ve always wondered what it would be like to have a cook and a cleaner, to go about my day and not have to be concerned with doing menial tasks from sunup to sundown. To be able to stick my head in a book and read, blissfully unaware of the duties being completed around me, if not reading, then my other passionate hobby, writing.

Almost a month ago, I became lucky enough to see how the other half live, when my visitor arrived, I became one of ‘those’ people. After years of pestering, my visitor who just so happens to be a chef, finally arrived. Not only do they cook, but they clean as well. I learnt what it felt like to have coffee and food magically appear, and then disappear once finished. And this happened day in, day out, multiple times a day.

For the first week I found myself slightly disjointed. I asked myself numerous times if I was daydreaming, but then I would pinch myself and discover that no, in fact, I was not daydreaming. With my routine turned on its head, and a constant feeling of ‘what should I be doing?’ Surely, sitting back feeling like a pampered princess, wasn’t it. Luckily for me, someone extremely smart suggested “maybe it’s time for a new routine.”

Once I embraced this concept, I also regained some equilibrium through taking back some of my chores, like the dishes. Compared to my chef… I can’t cook for shit! But I can safely do the dishes, a wonderful avoidance tactic to avoid my cooking abilities being analysed. And I’ve since learnt that, according to the kids of the house that I’m shit at putting together lunchboxes. I’ve been swiftly booted out of that role, but that’s okay with me, I hated doing lunch boxes anyway. I’ll just sit here quietly and do my dishes whilst putting in my food requests.

As much as I love the idea of not having to cook, clean or do any work around the house, I’m just not built that way long term, but it sure is nice to dapple occasionally. And while I sit back and enjoy my breakfasts in bed, I can do nothing but express my extreme gratitude for a friendship that has spanned more than 20 years. And ponder a recipe that I could cook for my chef and not be embarrassed to plate up.

Due to my fantastic ability to inhale my food because it just looks and smells so amazing, I’ve taken only one photo of food made for me – EPIC FAIL on my part!!! However, I did manage to get pics from our beach walk where I managed to get my chef out of the kitchen and into the sunshine to help those Vitamin D levels out.

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