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Writer's pictureShelby_Brand

Benefits of a home yoga practice

Updated: May 27, 2022

If you are anything like me, you like routine. Routine makes sure EVERYTHING gets done, when it needs to get done. But here's the catch, with too strict of a routine doesn't allow for variety and freshness, in turn, your days all begin to blur into one. This hit me hard during Term 4 of the school year, 2021. Driving up the hill to school each and every day to drop Mr. 10 off, rain, hail or shine, left me at the point of sighing at the exact same point in the drive each day. I had NO variety. My day on a plate looked like this.

5:30 - wake up home gym session, same order of equipment use each day

6:00 - boil kettle for coffee, pack lunch boxes, make breakfast

6:30 - eat breakfast, navigate child arguments

7:00- do the dishes, washing and sweep floor

7:30 - have shower, pack my work basket and make sure kids are ready to go.

8:00-get in the car and continue with the routine day...

You get my drift. Each and every day, both morning and afternoon, my days looked the same. Between Christmas and New Year I was determined to break the cycle. But it wasn't without effort.

It all started with taking my watch off. Eating when I was hungry, moving when I felt like it and embraced the power of rest and relaxation. Sometimes easier said than done right?

I made a pact with myself that I would begin a daily Yoga/Pilates practice, and would move my body for a minimum of another 30 minutes in some other sort of way. I didn't set a time for any of this. It all happens all over the place of a weekend and afternoon now. The only thing I did need to keep in a routine was my 5.30 am movement otherwise I wouldn't get it at all, what I did free up was the type of movement I would do. I am avoiding the home gym at all costs and opting for the outdoors instead, rain or shine.

So my first challenge to you is this, think about when and how you incorporate movement, and NO, sex doesn't count on this one. How much flexibility are you offering yourself? Where can you incorporate some change? Make room for some freshness and stand yourself aside, feel the change within!

Benefits of a home YOGA practice - Shelby Style

  • You can do yoga in your pyjamas, especially if you have your mat rolled out and a screen in your bedroom, what's even better is putting the headphones on and drowning out the kids.

  • You can leave your mat rolled out as inspiration when you have 5 minutes and you're looking for something to do next, an open invitation to spontaneous extra sessions.

  • You aren't stuck with the one Yoga teacher, there is a world of YouTube channels out there - just be sure to subscribe to the ones you love and keep going back to them. And on this note, you aren't stuck with the one timeslot.

  • You can connect with the furry friends in the house, they tend to love coming near an area of such zen :) beware though, cats can sometimes trip you up LOL - personal experience right here.

  • And the above doesn't even take into account all the physical benefits that you will receive along the way. But you can check out the links I have added to be able to get a further idea of why I am ensuring that nothing gets in the way of my DAILY YOGA PRACTICE.


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