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Writer's pictureShelby_Brand

It's a teens world now...

Updated: Feb 14, 2022

Mr. 13 actually turned 13 today. Although I gave him the title a little bit ago, after all, he had earnt it. What, with the so called grunting for communication and the "what ever" responses I was receiving. I went from having a kid to having a teen, there didn't really seem to be much of a transitional phase for this one.

But I honestly couldn't be prouder of him - he knows where his passions lie - fishing, fishing and more fishing. Counting down the days until he can get his boat license, car license and most of all when he can leave school and start out in a trade. At that age, I had no clue at all, all I wanted to do was hide away, read books and watch Luke Perry in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. There was absolutely no thought about what came after high school what so ever.

For there being so much of my bloodline running through him, he definitely didn't inherit his practical outlook on life from me. I lived in a world of fairy tales and happy endings where the girl always go the boy, didn't I get a shock when I soon discovered the big, wide world was no sunshine and roses all the time. He is under no disillusions. He knows he has to work hard for his money, that it goes out faster than it comes in and although that money buys him fishing gear he comprehends that essentials come before hobbies.

At 13, I had no clue about any of this. Kids are definitely getting a darn sight older, a darn sight younger these days. As long as I had access to a library I was sorted. Wondering where my next book was coming from was one of my biggest hurdles.

Instead of counting down to the end of high school, Mr. 13 is counting down to the next chapter which will start the rest of his life.

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