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Writer's pictureShelby_Brand

Lessons from a thoughtful January

When I first sat down to write this blog post my first thought was to list out all the drama that has happened since the clock struck midnight, clicking us over into 2023. Then I had a little dose of perspective via a close friend going through something far worse than my now small and insignificant

worries. But what I have ultimately learnt from this almost first month of the year is flexibility.

Despite all best intentions, things happen beyond our control and there is sometimes nothing we could have done differently to avoid them in the first place, but yes, when our children are sick and we are left on the sidelines feeling helpless, a newfound respect for the place of modern medicine was formed. Although I try to lead a natural a life as possible, there are times when, no matter what at-home treatments I tried, nothing seemed to work. So yes, antibiotics have their time and place when it meant I could get my children healthy again.

The way I saw the new year in wasn’t to plan, taking the first working day of the new year off to tend to a sick child wasn’t planned, and spending hours at the hospital on the second day into the year wasn’t planned, as were many other occurrences of the month, but the main thing is that along the way, I learnt to just roll with it. Conjunctivitis…. Tonsillitis…Ear infections…. Pfft… what else you got! Instead of crying or moping or whinging, I stopped. I reflected. Most importantly I learnt that we would come through the other side of it with nothing more than stories to tell in years to come… such as… ‘you remember that year when we watched the fireworks from the front doorstep, I rubbed your back while you spewed on the grass’… as unfunny and daunting it was at the time, he is now back to being his normal, active, strong minded little self.

So, 2023, I know I am strong…. So, what other challenges are you going to throw my way? I’m READY!!!

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