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Writer's pictureShelby_Brand

Mindfulness in the Making

By the end of some weeks I'm plain old peopled out. Not that I would turn away a catch up, it's just that I don't go out of my way to plan them. I love nothing more than chillin with my homies, that being Mr. 10 and Mr. 13. But to be honest, the boys can butt heads with the best of them and just listening to that can be all the peopling I have energy to do.

To top off the 'having a fire' concept we finished with one of my childhood favourites - Twisties or otherwise known as damper on a stick. I filled mine with Nuttlex and rice malt syrup and was filled with the warm fuzzies just the same as I would have been if it was true butter and golden syrup.

To extend on this chilled out mood and mindset, I embraced watching a little day time tv - something I rarely do unless I'm sick or exhausted. But on this occasion I found myself some YouTube travel guides and had a ball exploring Norway and Italy, from the comfort and warmth of my arm chair with a freshly baked blueberry scroll, another tea and snuggled under my blanket. Duly taking notes for my one day dream of travelling Europe.

Next came the Monopoly, and the giggles that came with being sent to jail multiple times, only to pay my way out as quick as possible and then realising that I possessed not one, but both get out of jail free cards - could have saved myself money there. Yep, the chilled vibe extended to the game as well and safe to say the brain cells weren't at full function .

We finished off a nice weekend with a movie night where we all actually agreed on the movie without arguments, bribing or sulking. Marvel and Iron Man 2 for the win.

Now, if only I knew how to order more of those weekends...

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