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Writer's pictureShelby_Brand

One Coffee Cup - Two Ways.

Saturday, one of my favourite days! improved greatly by the appearance of sunshine, which so happens to be one of my favourite vitamins! For me, it's a cure all. Not only did I get to team these two favourites together, I also got to team it with my new favourite travel coffee cup and a shared pastime with the boys. Fishing.

One would think that a fishing outing with Mr. 13 (fishing addicts are us) would be all about catching keepable sized fish and chasing the biggest quantities. However, how he has adjusted his ways when it comes to Mr. 10 (AKA Mr. Chicken Nugget) and vegan mum, results in him assuming position of bait boy and asking us what the fishes name is before releasing them back into the water.

Today, we met Frank, a small herring, followed by Bilbo the Bream and lastly Zebby the zebra fish. Despite the small number on the catch tally, what we did engage in was far superior. That is family time. Screen free (apart from taking the odd photo). There were no arguments, there were no tantrums, but there was lots of chatter. I learnt something about fish today, they get parasites and when you look inside their mouth, sometimes there are co-habitors that have taken up residence inside the fish, and when removing the hook, they stare back at you. It was a bit freaky looking to be honest.

To end a pleasant fishing outing, we were surprised by a large number of pelicans flying overhead. There was one pelican the trailed behind the group and I was overwhelmed when both the boys started to cheer on the trailing bird to catch up with his family. The smallest of moments, can leave the biggest impressions.

That was coffee cup outing one...

Coffee cup outing two was a little closer to home. Holding a freshly brewed peppy tea we wandered over to a grass oval to throw the grid iron ball with Mr. 10, with MR. 13 and mate tagging along for the enjoyment of the last rays of sunshine for the day.

I couldn't have asked for better outings around our amazing slice of paradise.

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