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Talk to the Heart – by Rachael Johns


Thank you to both HQ Fiction and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this incredible story as an ARC. As this was my first ARC review, I felt it added to my reading enjoyment.

A beautifully written, stand-alone novel, ideally read as Book 3 in the Rose Hill series. However, if like me, you’ve been slow to join the Johns fan club, Talk to the Heart provided great reading enjoyment despite not having read the previous titles.

When Adeline Walsh turns to God for guidance following a family death and the revelation of hidden family secrets, she is drawn away from her day-to-day life and hometown of Walsh. Sacrificing many of life’s modern-day luxuries, Adeline heads toward Smallton, a small country town quite some distance away, where she joins a convent and begins a life of service to God. It is here that she finds a family of sorts, a place where she feels strongly connected.

Enter Holden and Ford, two Smallton resident brothers, along with their foster children, turn Adeline’s world upside down and test her faith in a multitude of ways.

To say I loved this story from cover to cover would not do Talk to the Heart justice. I felt that all the story lines connected together superbly, with great pace and well-integrated characters from books one and two, it ensured that there no questions were left unanswered. Talk of the Town and Something to Talk About will now be added to my TBR pile so I can learn more about Adeline’s past.

One of my favourite underlying themes from Talk to the Heart would be Johns’ ability to remind us that we are all human and many of us make mistakes on a daily basis. Adeline’s life in the convent was portrayed as a true sisterhood, religious beliefs aside, the connections Adeline made while there, were strong. When lapses in judgement were made, she wasn’t ridiculed or belittled, rather encouraged to reflect and listen once more to God’s messages. Even if not religious, perhaps we could all take a little away from this and when mistakes are made, by ourselves or those around us, remember to stop and listen before criticizing.

Another favourite of mine was the banter between Adeline and Holden. He constantly riled her beyond exasperation, and she unintentionally frustrated him in more ways than she could imagine. The dialogue accompanying these moments was hilarious. Though Holden tried to ignore his increasing feelings, his attempts only added to the level of friction between these two pivotal characters. This friction provided many LOL moments and the odd sympathetic tear.

With wonderful attention to scene setting detail, I was able to gain inspiration for my next tattoo… I can’t wait to see how this plays out. Thanks for the idea Rachael 😊

The more of Johns’ books I read, the more I understand why she is called the Queen amongst the women’s fiction fan world. Johns’ undeniably easy to read stories, relatable characters and realistic view of the world keeps me coming back for more.

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