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Writer's pictureShelby_Brand

Winter in Esperance- Shelby style

Hibernating like a bear - the snuggly kind not the grizzly kind.

I made grand plans whilst the days were still warm, the evenings pleasant and no chill to the air. With winter inevitable, I made a pact with myself that I wasn't going to let the weather interfere with my want of exploration. I was going to embrace the Norwegian motto "Det finnes ikke dårlig vær, bare dårlig klær" which translates to "there is no such thing as poor weather, just inappropriate clothes". I fell in love with this concept, to constantly get outside into nature and not become a hermit. A winter goal.

This involved researching and purchasing a thick, snuggly puffer jacket. Tick.

Increasing my supply of thick, warm socks. Tick.

Constant supply of hot chocolate in the pantry. Tick.

Fast forward to mid June, the sun has all but disappeared, the wind comes and goes with vengeance and some days it's completely dark by 5 p.m. My motivation to get outside has all but disappeared. The only thing that has occurred is my remembrance that I DON'T like the cold!! In actual fact, I could go as far as to say I HATE the cold!! No matter how many thick socks and thick jackets I have on. I struggle to go out in the cold to go to work, let alone, get out the door to do anything other than the basic jobs. I even bought leg warmers and mittens to use towards the end of last winter after struggling daily to stay warm.

I think this is mostly due to the lack of an Autumn season here in good old Esperance. There's no gentle easing into cooler weather, no opportunity to add layers gradually. Just boom, Winter!! Good Luck!!

Thanks mother nature. Very considerate.

To alleviate the boredom that can come with cold weather hibernation (basically Covid isolation by choice), we have increased the number of games in our game cupboard, and have purchased a ping pong dinner table conversion kit in a bid to draw the teen and tween away from the T.V. Then there are those magical moments, when the tv IS on and nobody wants to interact with me, I can retreat into hibernation even further, with a good book, hot tea and snuggly blanket. Goodbye Winter, hello imagination.

Unfortunately, when you are me, and you're sitting down reading that good book, your circulation sucks, and once you get chilled through, it's next to impossible to warm back up, no matter how many layers you dress yourself in. Making it even harder to consider stepping foot outside, unless absolutely necessary, like to go to work. Or Bunnings!!.

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